A traffic management plan details how you are managing the risks associated with pedestrian and vehicular traffic in your workplace. Onsite traffic in your workplace needs to be appropriately planned to remove the risk of plant impacting with people.

Work health and safety (WHS) legislation requires that business owners identify hazards associated with moving vehicles on their site, assess the risks associated with the moving vehicles and then control those risks. A traffic management plan is both a prompt to risk assess the interaction of vehicles and people, and also a tool to communicate how the risk is being mitigated.

A traffic management plan details how the risks are being managed in a workplace. If you have moving vehicles and pedestrians at your workplace you must:

Learn more about your WHS obligations and implementing management plans

For more information on work health and safety for your business, or to book a Complimentary Consultation, get in touch with the team from Masula Compliance on 07 3348 3666 or email info@masulacompliance.com.au